Sunday 28 September 2014

and so it begins....

After considering making an R2 for many years I got to see one up close over the Summer.  Needless to say I thought it was great and it set my desire to build my own.  After a quick google search I stumbled across and started to read... and read... and read...  there is so much information on there and at first its all a bit daunting.

I decided that if I was going to build an R2 it would have to be the best I could possibly make it, and as such I decided to go all aluminium.  This of course if the most expensive way and the most time consuming with regards to getting the parts as some bits are only made every few years.

With that in mind I started jumping on every part run a few months back and have been slowly building a small collection of parts.  More about the parts I have got so far later and much more later about the grand plans I have for the electronics - today I decided to actually take my first steps in the actual build.

I decided to blog my build so I can refer to it down the line and also it will hopefully help out other builders in the future in the same way as I have been helped by many other blogs and build logs.

I'll also create a build log on and post each time I update this blog.

Hope you find it interesting and useful - god luck with your build!


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