Thursday, 12 November 2015

Progress update - better late than never!

Well, I've been busy building but not updating my build blog it seems...!  Progress has been a bit slower than I hoped as the room I was using for my build is currently out of action as we are having an extension built!

Anyway... I'll start just by posting a load of photos from the last few months of my build.

As you'll see the 232 is installed and working, I changed the dome position holder and the dome drive mechanism and have updated the electronics to include a wifi receiver which works with an iPhone app - more on that in a later post.  Most of the Dome is complete (apart from the lifters) and the body is getting there.

I'll post separate updates for specific parts later... enjoy....!

1 comment:

  1. Hi collinstkd,

    just looked through your blog and seen how great your droid is - ive been looking for a long term project to start and figured an r2 might be a good shout - you're pretty local to me and ive seen you're on I'm looking for someone to talk to about building a droid - let me know if you would be willing to chat - I'm fairly local to you down here on the south coast of the UK

