First up my logic lights arrived so decided to spend some time building them, just a case of following the instructions really... A fiddly job cutting all the fibre optics but got it done in a few hours and they looked great.
I also connected my psi's to them and everything worked great (though I suspect I will get the new led psi's if their available before the psi holders are!)
I tried positioning the lights in the dome but noticed an issue where the two front logics get in each other's way and prevent them sitting flush. The pic below tries to show this but it's not a very clear pic.
The only thing I can think is to increase the spacers on one of them which will mean redoing the fibre optics.
However, now the bad news, a day later without changing anything the logics have some major issues. Joymonkey is of course helping out and looking into it, but that means it'll be a few weeks until I get them back....
Next up was the dome base plate, I want the dome base plate (with periscope etc) to stay with the dome when it's removed from the body but also have the option to easily separate from the dome if need be. The bottom ring on the new hydro domes has an exact cut out for the dome base plate to sit into, so to fix it I made some small aluminium brackets to stop it going past the ring, I will later get some simple wing nuts to hold it in place. The first pic shows the darker grey pieces in put in to support the base plate.
So now when the dome is put onto the rockler the studs that hold it on align it to the slip ring connector. This means the dome can be removed by simply lifting it off.
The pics show this better. However, spot the stupid mistake!!...
Did you see the problem?? There is now no room for the dome gear set to turn the dome... I'll fix this later but I'll need to mount the rockler bracket on the other side and make a new bracket for the connector board so it can sit higher up... A bit frustrating but is what you get when trying the figure things out befor having all the parts...
However it's all good as I have a com8 frame on its way to me... I was worried it could be a good 6 months before I got this and it would put a stop to my build but I managed to get a 2nd hand one (though it's not been used!). I now can't wait for it to be delivered as it'll open the door to so many things for me to get on with!
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