Monday, 13 October 2014

Electronics start...

Now I have some servos installed I thought I'd spend some time messing about with some arduino's etc to try and get them working.  Not quite there yet, but made some good progress.

Have decided that for now I am going to use a PS3 Navigation controller connected to a 'Master' Arduino for some controls, I'll be adding a android device connected via bluetooth using a custom app later to control other stuff.

I have taken many ideas from BHD's system with some other ideas too but for now I have a PS3 controller talking to my master arduino over bluetooth which in turn talks to a dome arduino over I2C, which in turn talks to a adafruit PWM servo controller over I2C.  All might sound complicated but its building blocks for a much bigger system in the future I hope.

Anyway, I got two servos moving in response to pressing a button on a controller - doesn't seem much but took a bit of head scratching and a broken arduino to get this far!

Here's a very dull video to prove my work :-)

I'll be posting a lot more about my electronics and code as I go and will make it all available to anyone who would like it. 

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